Chicago Valley "Railroad" ends. Chicago Valley Railroad Blog Continues.


The Past is Past.  Let's Hyperloop into the future....

Just a brief update as to how the content of this blog will be changing.

As announced a few posts ago, we have moved.  The new home does not currently have the room for a layout.   Thus, it is with sadness I announce the end of the "Chicago Valley Railroad" as a layout and freelanced railroad.

However, the Chicago Valley Railroad Blog will continue!   I am still involved with the Oak Park Society of Model Engineers (OPSME), and still look forward to setting up and improving my Christmas O-Guage layout every Holiday season.   Additionally, at some point I hope to build a couple modules for the OPSME modular layout. Likely a warehouse and trucking depot module. 

What that means for the blog is:

-Alot less focus on layout building and acquiring large lots of used trains as I prune and specialize a bit more on my favorite lines.

-Some articles on installing decoders in older locomotives as I upgrade my favorite locomotives for running on the OPSME DCC layout.

-Reviews and pictures of many of the yet-unshared items in my collection and occasional new acquisitions.

-Continued posting of scale pictures of HO-appropriate die-cast cars. 

-Lots of layout materials coming up for sale.  I had previously acquired nearly all the structures and materials necessary for building my layout and the majority of that will be sold off. 

-Locomotives and rolling stock coming up for sale as I prune the collection for club use.

-Continued sales of items on behalf of OPSME.

Here's to the future!

Of course I haven't entirely finished buying train bargains that come my way.  Coming soon, a closer look at this beauty I just picked up...

Happy Railroading!



  1. I have seen bits and pieces of that set at shows and you landed the whole thing! Great find!

    1. Thanks! Ran it at the club and it's smooth as silk, even as it is DC on a DCC layout. Video, pics and post forthcoming....


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Chicago Valley Railroad

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