Early March Box-0-Fun


A lovely box of goodies just arrived.  Found a seller on HOSwap selling off a whole bunch of trains.  Cheap, nicely assembled and with KD's already installed. 

A sweet BN bulkhead flat. 

More for my CNW hopper consist. I think I'm up to 11 now.  The grey one is due for a renumber (already got one) and the yellow has a broken truck, but nothing serious.

The next two are not lines I normally collect ( I do like Chessie though), but a couple colorful modern boxcars are always a nice addition.

This F9B is one I already have, but it's in much better shape than mine.

I have the coach too but I can always renumber another.

A nice CNW Hopper. 

 Now, here's the real gem's.  Two Coil cars and they're CNW!

That's it for now. 
Happy Railroading,
