O-27 Christmas Layout Tour


At long last, the Christmas O-27 Layout is complete and properly photographed.

This is a budget layout for which I've been slowly acquiring items for the past 4 years or more. Almost all of what is here is the result of scouring resale shops and train show junk boxes.  For the first time I have an appropriate space to bring it all together. 

Starting from the far left/North a little winter camping.

Cross the tracks is a construction supply site and load point for gondolas.  The I-beam stacks are Girder and Panel pieces with the tabs trimmed and hot glued together. Normally I'd be loath to glue construction toy parts together, but I came across a bag filled with just the crossbeams and this seemed like a good use for them.  

Adjacent to the site is the Police Station.  Really happy to have grabbed a few of the Welly 1/43 Chicago Police cars when they were available a few years back.

Across the Street is the Lionel Cafe, found in a resale shop sack of random Lionel. I was happy to find out that the lighting works.  Have not tested the smoker and I will have to make a big sign for it someday. 

Further along is the Train Station. This -and nearly all the Plasticville buildings- came in a $10 box of "imperfect" buildings that I picked up at a train show.  Each had some small missing piece, or warp, or broken section and I've been slowly repairing them and putting them back into service

I think having a bus stop suggests even more connections to a bigger world.

I blogged the rehab of the train station last year.

A town square dominates the south area inside of the loop.

Moving Clockwise from right, the Fire Station is first up.  This one needs some work and is currently held together by a rubber band.  The Chicago Fire Dept ambulance was another lucky find. 

Freight Depot.  Another building that needs some work. (paint, signage, chimney, etc...)

Then the Church.

Hospital.  This building is in great condition and is my favorite on the layout. It's got great art deco style that I hope to properly paint up someday.

The Gas Station is "Flo's v8 Cafe" from Toy Story and is one of the best looking buildings on the layout.  It had corroded batteries in it but after removing the battery connections, vinegar-ing off the corrosion and soldering  them back in place, the 8 spark plug "neon" lights function again, blinking in a random-appearing pattern.
I have parts on order to wire it and the ambulance into the same circuit as the light-up truck next to the freight depot.

Across the tracks further South is a small residential area.


Hope you enjoyed the tour. I'm planning two more Christmas layout posts. One of some notable vehicles and accessories and another with some of our train cars.

Be well,



  1. I really like your layout, it is much nicer than my O-27 which is more like a place to
    part O and O-27 model cars and trucks as well as an O-27h oil refinery backround that
    which my dad bought from his good friend an d stand partner in First Violins in the
    Alton, IL Symphony Orchestra. The layout was built b y my father's friend Earl Duffy
    who was my violin teacher for 7 years of my youth. The 73 years have not been kind
    to the track and now only trolleys will run so it has become a traction layout. Your
    Chicago FD ambulance was a special run that Menard's model railroad division
    had produced. I have one too.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. You're right about the Menards Ambulance. Almost the only things bought new from this layout are some vehicles and a few train cars from Menards. More on this in the next post, but just yesterday I fitted Battery powered ambulance with a wire and jack for wall power.

      Best of luck on the traction layout. It's never too late to renovate!


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