Around Kankakee Station.

Small post today.  Just a few pics from when I stopped by the "Kankakee Station" after a gig this summer.   The band had just wrapped up a couple sets at the farmers market so I drove a couple blocks over to see this fine structure.
The Station apparently still serves some ticketed passengers, though it is is now home to a railway museum and several layouts.   Unfortunately all were closed due to Covid.

Some lovely landscaping around the Pullman, but it seems that it was arranged in such a way as to deliberately foil rail fans from getting good pictures.

More of the same for the nicely preserved, bright yellow UP caboose.  
Trees Fences and shrubbery make good sightlines difficult.
Definitely worth a brief stop while I was in the neighborhood.  I definitely plan to make another trip here at some point to see the railway museum. 

Happy Trainspotting!

