Why I Left the Tyco Depot and Train Collectors Forum.
So This is Goodbye.
My friends, the time has come for me to bid farewell to the Tyco Depot.
I’m not sure how I missed it but last week I became aware that this forum is setup to automatically change the abreviation for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the last name of the 44th President of the USA to “bartender” “and blithering idiot” respectively.
For at least the past 3 years they have been the only two names so “edited”. I approached a member of the forum administratin about this. He agreed to make the request to the site owner TK Dave to remove the auto-edits. This morning I learned that TK has refused to remove them, though I am told he may at some point add auto-edits to the names of politicians of the other party.
This sort of message-changing offends me. Not because it is the opinion of the owner and some members. I’ve known that for quite a while and I don’t limit my friends to people who agree with me. Rather it is because this targeted disrespect is built into the system here. I use my middle name “Eilif” as my handle in most of my online presences. Due to this auto-correct, I am now on record -through no fault of my own- insulting a man highly respected by myself and my community. To be clear though, even if my posts hadn’t already been so edited it would still be a deal-breaker for me.
To add a bit of context, as many of you know I work, church and live mostly among African Americans. There is simply no way I could explain to my neighbors and some of the people I most respect in the world that my favorite, most-participated-in online forum changes President O b a m a’s name to “blithering idiot”. I can’t, won’t and shouldn’t have to.
I will miss you all and this place. There is a concentrated knowledge and appreciation of 1950’s-1990’s HO trains here that is perhaps unmatched anywhere on the internet. The members here have been extremely generious with their encouragement, time, knowledge and material. I am truely thankful to you all and I hope in my smaller way I have done likewise.
This will be my last public post here. I’ll keep my account active for a day or so more in order to exchange contact information and communicate with whomever wishes to do so via Personal Message. If -after I delete my account- you wish to continue see what I’m up to in the hobby, I will continue update my blog https://chicagovalleyrailroad.blogspot.com/ , likely more often than before.
I wish I could stay, but some things are more important than model trains. Take Care and Be Well.
Your friend,