Why I Left the Tyco Depot and Train Collectors Forum.
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So This is Goodbye.
My friends, the time has come for me to bid farewell to the Tyco Depot.
I’m not sure how I missed it but last week I became aware that this forum is setup to automatically change the abreviation for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the last name of the 44th President of the USA to “bartender” “and blithering idiot” respectively.
For at least the past 3 years they have been the only two names so “edited”. I approached a member of the forum administratin about this. He agreed to make the request to the site owner TK Dave to remove the auto-edits. This morning I learned that TK has refused to remove them, though I am told he may at some point add auto-edits to the names of politicians of the other party.
This sort of message-changing offends me. Not because it is the opinion of the owner and some members. I’ve known that for quite a while and I don’t limit my friends to people who agree with me. Rather it is because this targeted disrespect is built into the system here. I use my middle name “Eilif” as my handle in most of my online presences. Due to this auto-correct, I am now on record -through no fault of my own- insulting a man highly respected by myself and my community. To be clear though, even if my posts hadn’t already been so edited it would still be a deal-breaker for me.
To add a bit of context, as many of you know I work, church and live mostly among African Americans. There is simply no way I could explain to my neighbors and some of the people I most respect in the world that my favorite, most-participated-in online forum changes President O b a m a’s name to “blithering idiot”. I can’t, won’t and shouldn’t have to.
I will miss you all and this place. There is a concentrated knowledge and appreciation of 1950’s-1990’s HO trains here that is perhaps unmatched anywhere on the internet. The members here have been extremely generious with their encouragement, time, knowledge and material. I am truely thankful to you all and I hope in my smaller way I have done likewise.
This will be my last public post here. I’ll keep my account active for a day or so more in order to exchange contact information and communicate with whomever wishes to do so via Personal Message. If -after I delete my account- you wish to continue see what I’m up to in the hobby, I will continue update my blog https://chicagovalleyrailroad.blogspot.com/ , likely more often than before.
I wish I could stay, but some things are more important than model trains. Take Care and Be Well.
Your friend,