Track Arranging And A New Power Pack.
Grabbed just a bit of time this weekend to arrange some track on the layout. Except for the completed outer loop, there is no additional cork down yet, nor have I measured and drawn any curves on the foam. I'm just experimenting with approximations at this point.

That said, the track all seems to fit as I had hoped when I made my track plan. Very encouraging.
Visible is the installed outer loop which has 26.5" curves. The next loop in is 22" curves with a strait extension at the apex. Also thrown down in the middle is most of the 18" curve hidden connection between the coal mine and power plant. All three curves on the left will be mostly hidden under a tunnel.
A closer up view of the foreground. Green and grey passenger platform roofs approximate the location of the passenger platforms.

I'm still trying to decide if I'll even have room for a passenger station building and I have three to choose from! I'm seeing some potential for hiding switch machines under the passenger platforms.
I was pleased to see that I have more than enough track and all the necessary switches for the second loop. For the track work inside the two loops I will need a few more switches and more 22" curves (the minimum radius except for the hidden loop), but that is for the future. Baby steps....
I also finally got around to testing out my "new" power pack. The one I was formerly using is this Troller Autopulse. It's got a nice vintage look and it was made right here in Chicago baby!

Works quite well, but from what I've heard, pulse power will not be good if I eventually make the transition to DCC.
The new one is this nice MRC TechII LocoMotion2500. As the tag indicates, it cost me just $12 at a local resale shop. That's model railroading on a budget, folks.
I'm not noticing much of a difference in functionality, but it's nice and smooth and I'm pleased to have a pack that could potentially work with DCC. I'm not sure I have much use for the Momentum switch, but the Brake function does simulate application of brakes. An interesting feature, but I'm not sure how much use it will get.
The second loop will be electrically isolated from the first. When I've finished laying the second loop, my interim arrangement will be one on each loop and then my son and I will be able to run trains at the same time. As well as a box full of train-set power packs, for backup, I've also got a vintage MRC "Ampak". All this to say I think we are set for train power!

That said, the track all seems to fit as I had hoped when I made my track plan. Very encouraging.
Visible is the installed outer loop which has 26.5" curves. The next loop in is 22" curves with a strait extension at the apex. Also thrown down in the middle is most of the 18" curve hidden connection between the coal mine and power plant. All three curves on the left will be mostly hidden under a tunnel.
A closer up view of the foreground. Green and grey passenger platform roofs approximate the location of the passenger platforms.

I'm still trying to decide if I'll even have room for a passenger station building and I have three to choose from! I'm seeing some potential for hiding switch machines under the passenger platforms.
I was pleased to see that I have more than enough track and all the necessary switches for the second loop. For the track work inside the two loops I will need a few more switches and more 22" curves (the minimum radius except for the hidden loop), but that is for the future. Baby steps....
I also finally got around to testing out my "new" power pack. The one I was formerly using is this Troller Autopulse. It's got a nice vintage look and it was made right here in Chicago baby!

Works quite well, but from what I've heard, pulse power will not be good if I eventually make the transition to DCC.
The new one is this nice MRC TechII LocoMotion2500. As the tag indicates, it cost me just $12 at a local resale shop. That's model railroading on a budget, folks.

The second loop will be electrically isolated from the first. When I've finished laying the second loop, my interim arrangement will be one on each loop and then my son and I will be able to run trains at the same time. As well as a box full of train-set power packs, for backup, I've also got a vintage MRC "Ampak". All this to say I think we are set for train power!
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Chicago Valley Railroad