Getting Back To It. Putting the Train Room in Order.
Over the past year, the train room descended into terrible chaos and messiness. There was no room to work, and not much room to walk. If 2020 is going to be the year of track-laying then things needed to be cleaned up. Luckily I found time last week to put things in order.
View looking west toward the entrance to the attic.

It ain't perfect, but all boxes are labeled and organized. Mostly structures, scratch building supplies and track. Just to the south you can see a folding table for maintenance and staging. To the north is a low folding table for my kids to play at. One focus of the reorganization is spaces for my kids to play while I work, even after they've lost interest in helping.
This shelf on the South wall was added last week.

Now all my tool kits and extra parts are easily accessible. A leftover TV from my dad and a spare Fire stick are mostly used for streaming music. The tall shelf on the west end holds rolling stock. I've started boxing rolling stock by together when I get enough of one particular road and type. So there are boxes of things like Amtrak Superliners, 50' BN Boxcars, 50' UP Modern Boxcars, Colorful Canadian Grain Hoppers, etc...
Close up view of the South wall shelf.

On the right is rolling stock kits, trays of those needing work and to be sold. Locos in need of work on top. I now have a place to leave my light box permanently setup. I hope to be taking lots more pictures of rolling stock for the blog this year.
Looking at the West side of the table.

From right to left: vehicles, structures and parts, and lots of Star Wars toys for my son.
Also, I'm trying to beautify the space. Here's a bit of old school trucking I'm particularly happy with.

The 90's are cool again right?
Haven't decided where to put this little bit of CTA art.

With the sloped roof, there aren't many spots to hang things but it's not very big.
So, things are coming together. Now I have no excuse for not laying more track.
View looking west toward the entrance to the attic.

It ain't perfect, but all boxes are labeled and organized. Mostly structures, scratch building supplies and track. Just to the south you can see a folding table for maintenance and staging. To the north is a low folding table for my kids to play at. One focus of the reorganization is spaces for my kids to play while I work, even after they've lost interest in helping.
This shelf on the South wall was added last week.

Now all my tool kits and extra parts are easily accessible. A leftover TV from my dad and a spare Fire stick are mostly used for streaming music. The tall shelf on the west end holds rolling stock. I've started boxing rolling stock by together when I get enough of one particular road and type. So there are boxes of things like Amtrak Superliners, 50' BN Boxcars, 50' UP Modern Boxcars, Colorful Canadian Grain Hoppers, etc...
Close up view of the South wall shelf.

On the right is rolling stock kits, trays of those needing work and to be sold. Locos in need of work on top. I now have a place to leave my light box permanently setup. I hope to be taking lots more pictures of rolling stock for the blog this year.
Looking at the West side of the table.

From right to left: vehicles, structures and parts, and lots of Star Wars toys for my son.
Also, I'm trying to beautify the space. Here's a bit of old school trucking I'm particularly happy with.

The 90's are cool again right?
Haven't decided where to put this little bit of CTA art.

With the sloped roof, there aren't many spots to hang things but it's not very big.
So, things are coming together. Now I have no excuse for not laying more track.
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Chicago Valley Railroad