Chicago Trainspotting: METRA Yard Pictures of METX 8

A couple weeks ago I snapped a couple of quick pictures of the METRA Yard along Grand Avenue.

This is METX 8,  an EMD SW1500 built in 1968.  Originally owned by Southern Pacific as SP 2494,  50 years later it's going strong for METRA.   There's some cool pictures at the link above of it doing MOW work.

I really like this wide shot for the many ideas it provides for bits of detail and filler. Many of these would be cheap and easy to put on a layout.

A couple of MOW vehicles located just to the left (southeast) of the first pictured above.  Anyone recognize what these are for?

The cleverer among you will note by last picture that these were taken from above the level of a security fence.  How -you may ask- is this possible?  Well, to answer that question, it turns out that my wife was sneaking pics of me at the same time.

I was very happy to find this yard.   There's much more than seen here and I'll be stopping back again for sure. Most of the length of it can be seen from Grand Ave though as shown above to get the best angle for photographs it may be necessary to stand on your vehicle.   Despite being lower-quality phone pics (a better camera is in the works), I had to share these.  Hope you enjoy them!
